<윈글리쉬 영어 원고>
giving all profits to charity
movie star paul newman likes to cook. he used to make his own salad dressing as christmas gifts for his neighbors. one christmas in 1980, newman was making homemade salad dressing with his friend hotchner. noticing that the dressing that he had made was (1)way more than he needed, newman said to his friend,
“this is more than i need for myself. what do you think if i sold it?”
surprised, hotchner tried to talk newman out of it. but newman was resolved and started a business, even though he would say "i'm going to be the dumbest business man, since i never plan.”
the consumers’ response, however, was amazing. the two men’s humble business has paid off handsomely. their salad dressing, made with 100% natural ingredients with no preservatives, has become a supermarket staple. the “newman’s own” line, now a strong brand throughout the world, has expanded into pasta sauce, popcorn and lemonade.
the business that was started with 12,000 dollars earned 920,000 dollars of profit in the first year. with the money, paul newman (2)put into practice what he had said he was going to do: give all of newman’s own profits to charity. every december the profits go to medical research, educational business and environmental movements. on the first day of the next year, with his business’ bank account now empty, newman takes out a bank loan and starts his business (3)from square one again.
in 1985, newman started ‘the hole in the wall gang’ camps for children with serious illnesses in 28 countries. the name comes from the gang led by butch cassidy (played by paul newman) and the sundance kid in the movie with the same title. the camp has become famous as a place where children suffering from diseases can go and get a taste of their hopes and dreams.
every year, when the bank account of newman’s own becomes empty, the hearts of newman and hotchner (4)overflow with love.
key expression
1) noticing that the dressing that he had made was way more than he needed, newman said to his friend, “this is more than i need for myself. what do you think if i sold it?”
2) with the money, paul newman put into practice what he had said he was going to do: give all of newman’s own profits to charity.
3) on the first day of the next year, with his business’ bank account now empty, newman takes out a bank loan and starts his business from square one again.
4) every year, when the bank account of newman’s own becomes empty, the hearts of newman and hotchner overflow with love.
<한글 원고>
나누기 위해 돈을 벌다
요리를 좋아하는 영화배우 폴 뉴먼은 크리스마스 때 자신이 만든 드레싱을 이웃에게 선물하곤 했다. 1980년 크리스마스 때도 뉴먼은 친구인 작가 허츠너와 함께 드레싱을 만들고 있었다. 이웃들에게 선물하고도 남을 만큼의 드레싱을 바라보던 그는 허츠너에게 말했다.
“혼자 먹기 아까운데 이 드레싱을 팔면 어떨까?”
깜짝 놀란 허츠너는 뉴먼을 말렸지만 뉴먼은 “나는 단 한 번도 계획을 세운 적이 없는 가장 어리석은 사업가”라며 무작정 사업에 뛰어들었다.
그러나 반응은 엄청났다. 그들의 어설픈 사업은 놀라운 성장을 거듭했다. 100% 무방부제 천연재료로 샐러드 드레싱 시장을 석권하며 스파게티 소스, 팝콘, 레모네이드에 이르기까지 세계시장에 우뚝 선 ‘뉴먼스 오운’이 탄생했다.
자본금 1만 2천 달러에 첫해 수익금만 92만 달러. 돈을 번 뒤 뉴먼은 마음속에 품고 있던 일을 실천했다. 해마다 12월이면 회사의 수익금 전액을 의료연구와 교육사업, 환경운동을 위해 자선단체에 기부한 것이다. 그리고 새해 첫날 은행에서 대출을 받아 빈손으로 사업을 다시 시작했다.
1985년 뉴먼은 전 세계 28개국에 난치병 어린이를 위한 ‘산골짜기 갱단 캠프’를 만들었다. 캠프 이름은 뉴먼이 출연한 영화 <내일을 향해 쏴라>에서 부치 캐시디와 선댄스 키드가 이끌던 갱단에서 따왔다. 이 캠프는 병마 때문에 고통받는 아이들에게 꿈과 희망을 주는 곳으로 유명해졌다.
매년 뉴먼스 오운의 통장은 텅텅 비지만 그들의 마음만은 넘치도록 채워지고 있다.
좋은 생각사람들 편집부